Your breathing is shallow , feel something is wrong , heart is pounding !!!!!


You're so terrified that you think you might pass away. This is the experience of a panic attack. Panic attacks, which are also known as anxiety attacks, are abrupt periods of extreme dread that cause bodily responses including rapid breathing and heartbeat. People can still have panic attacks that are strong enough to make them believe that they are dying, even when there is no actual threat or anything else that would typically make them feel afraid. While dealing with these attacks is challenging, coming out of a panic attack can be particularly challenging but trust me you can breathe free and live your life as you lived earlier .....

What Takes Place Physically During a Panic Attack?

To learn how to manage anxiety and panic attacks, you must first familiarize yourself the with this condition ....

Your body's fight-or-flight reaction is triggered during a panic attack, leading to severe physical symptoms. Your nervous system typically becomes active when you meet a threat. Your bloodstream suddenly bursts with the hormone adrenaline, putting your body on high alert. Your heartbeat quickens, pumping more blood into your muscles.

You can then breathe more quickly and shallowly so that you can inhale more oxygen. Your senses become more acute and your blood sugar increases, keeping you attentive. All of these adjustments may take place at any time in order to give you the tools you need to defend yourself against the aforementioned threat.

Some symptoms that i had to suffer during my journey 

  • experiencing a loss of control
  • pounding heart
  • excessive sweating
  • shaking or trembling
  • breathing difficulty
  • quickly breathing
  • chest pain
  • vomiting and/or nauseous
  • Dizziness
  • outbursts of heat or chills
  • the sensation of choking
  • acute fear that you are about to die
  • Feelings of numbness or tingling in your hands, arms, legs, or feet

  • Dealing with anxiety

    The first and most crucial step in managing anxiety is to Tell yourself that the symptoms you're experiencing are caused by anxiety. 

    As you are aware that this will soon come to an end, this will train your mind to remain calm. In the beginning of my journey, I was even reluctant to leave the house because of my anxiety, but with exposure therapy, I learned to go about my regular activities even when I was having a full-blown panic attack. You will feel more confident using this technique after your anxiety is subsided. Face your phobia. You are giving yourself an opportunity to find out that nothing will happen if you don't flee from it.

    Some people find it helpful to count steadily from one to five on each inhalation and exhalation. Breathe in through your nose as slowly, deeply, and gently as you can. Breathe out through your mouth as slowly, deeply, and gently as you can. Focus on your breathing while you close your eyes. In a few minutes, you ought to begin to feel better. Afterward, you can feel worn out.

    Methods for avoiding panic attacks

    Daily breathing exercises can both avoid panic attacks and help you cope with them when they do occur.

    Regular exercise, especially aerobic exercise, will improve your mood, lower your blood pressure, reduce tension, and increase your sense of confidence.

    Eat frequently to keep your blood sugar levels stable.

    Caffeine, alcohol, and smoking should all be avoided as these can exacerbate panic episodes.

    The guidance offered by panic support groups is helpful for controlling your attacks.

    It can be comforting to realize that other individuals feel the same way. Your doctor can connect you with organizations in your community.

    The negative thought patterns that are fueling your panic episodes can be found and altered using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).

    Always keep in mind that even if all of its symptoms may seem extremely threatening, but they are completely harmless. Continue living your daily life and train your mind to ignore all of its symptoms since the more you do so, the smaller it becomes.
